Union Ten Distillery


"It's not just about great drinks; it's about the smiles and stories that come with them."

Imagine this: You've discovered a gift that unfolds into a story, one that’s remembered, retold, cherished. It’s not just about what’s in the box; it’s the anticipation, the delight, the shared smiles reflecting the flicker of candlelight. In this moment, you’ve given more than a present; you’ve sparked a memory, set the stage for a story worth retelling.

Now, let's pull back the curtain on your secret.

Nestled in Ontario, our family-run distillery believes in the power of these stories. We don’t just create spirits; we craft experiences meant to be savoured, shared, and recalled around campfires and over quiet dinners years down the road. With every small-batch cocktail gift we meticulously distill, we’re bottling the essence of celebration, the spirit of togetherness, the echoes of joy.

Our gift boxes aren't just collections of unique, premium spirits. They're your passport to becoming a legend in your own circle. They're the whispered 'wow' across the table, the heartfelt ‘this is amazing’ under a burst of fireworks, the quiet ‘thank you’ that acknowledges not just the gift, but the thought, the sentiment, the love.

We understand that true gifting goes beyond ribbons and tags. It’s an unspoken dialogue, a shared secret, a way to say everything without speaking a word. We’re not just in the business of distilling spirits; we’re crafting the highlight of the evening, the memory that lingers long after the glasses have cleared.

Ready to be the architect of those cherished moments? We’re here, distilling your emotions into our craft, turning your feelings into their stories. Let’s create those unforgettable narratives together.

"With the right gift, you're not just giving a product; you're part of their celebration."


Pure Spirits Distillery


Wolfhead Distillery